We are working in a responsible and sustainable manner in all what we do. We want to make the world a better place by doing our share and we are especially focusing into the following goals:

Decent work and economic growth
We want to provide a safe and equal work community for all our employees around the world.
We want to drive economic growth and productivity by innovating our technologies and innovating more efficient solutions for our products, manufacturing technologies and company practices.

Responsible consumption and production
We want to improve and develop environmentally sustainable use of natural resources.
We want to significantly reduce waste generation through prevention, recycling and reuse.
We want to ensure environmentally sustainable handling of chemicals and waste.

Climate action
We are developing our carbon footprint calculation to be as transparent as possible and to take all of our operations into account.
We want to reduce our own carbon footprint with annual goals and action plans.
We encourage our network to work towards the same goal.
The goals are in accordance with the UN global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development